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  • madamish 1:45 pm on June 29, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    PodTech:A new programming language for learning to program 

    Great idea! I\’m going to take a look at this one for myself!

    [podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011738/Podtech_Leopard.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/scobleshow/technology/1555/a-new-programming-language-for-learning-to-program&totalTime=843000&breadcrumb=6ea9e42a679d4be69a65a9645753b81b]

  • madamish 8:02 am on June 25, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Everything We Need To Know About Life, We Can Learn From Noah’s Ark: 

    Noah's Ark: Thinking Outside The Box 
       One:  Don’t miss the boat.
       Two:  Remember that we are all in the same boat.
       Three:  Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.
       Four:  Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone may ask you
       to do something really big.
       Five:  Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to
       be done.
       Six:  Build your future on high ground.
       Seven:  For safety sake, travel in pairs.
       Eight:  Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on
       board with the cheetahs.
       Nine:  When you’re stressed, float a while.
       Ten:  Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by
       Eleven:  No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s
       always a rainbow waiting.
       Twelve:  Not everybody is always welcome. In Noah’s case, the
       woodpecker might have to go!

  • madamish 4:04 pm on June 12, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    PodTech:Demo: Budgeting with Mvelopes 

    Great little budgeting system. I will be trying this one out in the next few weeks and will let you know how it works for me!

    [podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011592/Podtech_Neddo_Mvelopes_Demo.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3310/demo-budgeting-with-mvelopes&totalTime=383000&breadcrumb=5cf846669cf84a10a2b8d2ce6011653a]

  • madamish 11:44 am on June 9, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Tagging: More Or Less? 

    Cow 7893  or 341?I have a question: Should I tag posts with lots of tags to make sure they get seen? Or should I try to target just a few tags to get certain visitors here? Is this always the case? For example, if I choose to bookmark a site in de.licio.us, would I be better off with lots of descriptive tags, or a few targeted ones to help find the site again in the future? However, lots of tags ensures that I get traffic to see a post – – although many might not be the visitors I am targeting demographically – – see what I mean?  Please discuss in the comments!

  • madamish 10:42 am on June 9, 2007 Permalink | Reply  


    This item was in the New Your Post today. It will be interesting how the liberal press either ignores this or shrugs it off as silly.:


    June 9, 2007 — The devil may have made him do it, but it was Jesus who made him confess.

    An Arizona man shocked cops in the East Village this week by walking into the local precinct and announcing that he’d strangled a woman on East 13th Street during an argument in 2004 – and that Jesus Christ wanted him to turn himself in.

    Authorities said the confession has solved the previously cold-case murder of Myrna Gonzales, a 45-year-old homeless woman whose body was found folded into a large steamer trunk in a vacant lot at East 13th Street and Third Avenue.

    “We wish Jesus would solve more of these,” one law enforcement source said.

    Michael Mohr, 51, might have gotten away with the slaying. But he’d recently had a religious conversion, and realized Jesus wanted him to do the right thing.

    Gonzales’ body was found June 6, 2004, in a vacant lot outside Mohr’s building.

    “He was relieved,” said one law enforcement source. “He was a little emotional. He was just glad to get it off his chest.”


    • Anastasiaprostia 11:43 am on March 30, 2009 Permalink

      Hey 🙂

      Amazing weight loss stories here,
      And here you can buy Anatrim

      I’ve always had trouble with my weight ever since I was young. Of course I tried all the “best” fat loss products, nothing helped very much. It wasn’t til I tried Anatrim that I saw the pounds seriously start to melt away! Nothing helped me lose weight faster. I literally saw 15 pounds melt away within the first few weeks! There’s nothing more exciting than watching pounds disappear, especially when you’ve tried all sorts of different methods and products before. I’ve since read up on Anatrim and am amazed at the number of people who have benefited from its amazing results. I’m halfway to my goal, Anatrim will get me the rest of the way 😉

  • madamish 12:18 pm on June 7, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Tag Aggregator Makes For A Handy Tool 

    tagsahoy!  is a new site that makes it into that “why didn’t I think of that” realm. It makes it easy to find most anything you have tagged, be it on Flickr, del.icio.us, Gmail, or Library Thing. Super handy if you know that you filed something away, but just can’t remember where.

  • madamish 8:53 am on June 7, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Frugal Hack: Making Your Own Milk 


    No, not like that! What are you people thinking?! I’m talking about finding a way to stretch your cow’s milk-dollars.

    As the price of milk has climbed steadily over the past couple of years, and especially the last 6 months or so, I’ve been searching for a way our lactose-loving family can survive without causing us to go into bankruptcy!

    As of this writing, milk in my community is $4.20 per gallon. That, my friend, is ridiculous! We can go through 4 or 5 gallons a week. That’s $21 per week, or $91 per month…let’s see…$1092 for milk each year!

    Nonfat Dry Milk at Wal-mart here is $5.68 for a box of 10 packages. Each package makes 1 US quart (or as in my recipe, 1/2 gallon!). How to make it palatable? Here’s the recipe:

    2 packages Nonfat Dry Milk

    1 Gallon water (tap water is fine here)

    1 Tsp vanilla

    1 Tsp Splenda

    Mix all ingredients and chill for a day for best results.

    That’s it! I spend about $1.20 – $1.25 for a gallon and it tastes great!

    How do you hack your milk? Discuss in the comments.

    • Cheryl 10:07 am on June 7, 2007 Permalink

      Since it’s just me, I don’t have to worry too much about the rising cost of milk. And I refuse to drink powdered, brings back some bad childhood memories! I do wait for it to go on sale, usually every few weeks either CVS or Walgreens has it for $2.50/gallon. I also buy fat free, as it will last a good 5 days past the date printed on the carton.

    • PJ 4:30 am on June 8, 2007 Permalink

      It is absurd… I don’t know how far legal… but in India, to beat the rising milk prices, people have started making milk out of UREA – the fertilizer. I don’t know its effects on human health, but seems something worth investigating

    • Pat Veretto 6:58 am on June 8, 2007 Permalink

      Interesting that you should post about milk… I just did, too. Powdered milk can really help with the cost if you drink a lot of milk. I don’t use that much, and I stretch it a lot in different ways.

    • madamish 8:36 am on June 8, 2007 Permalink

      How do you stretch it, Pat?

  • madamish 9:14 pm on June 5, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    LH’s Texter App Update Ready For Download 


    LifeHacker‘s Adam Pash has somehow found time to update the marvelously useful app, Texter to version 0.3. It’s surprising how you can take a little program like that for granted, but once I got used to it, I had trouble whenever I worked on a PC that didn’t have it installed. (I make sure I have a copy on my jump drive, however!)

    If you haven’t tried it yet, do so a.s.a.p.! You’ll not regret it. If you do any writing at all, there are phrases that you type regularly that Texter can help you with. Just type the shortcut you want and Texter will do the rest. I use it mostly for typing addresses, but there are plenty of other uses for this gem. Click the pic for the link!


  • madamish 8:40 pm on June 4, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Working Your Plan 

    We’ve all heard the old saw, “Plan your work, and work your plan.” Well, I’m going to actually give this a try! Yesterday, I posted a couple of items that I worked on to get just right, then did all the SEO stuff I had available. I went from 14 views on Sunday to 360+ views on Monday. So…working the plan does work! For the most part. I can get the visitors. Now I have to get you readers to click the links or comment on the posts. So here’s what I’m proposing to do: I will write posts that I am proud to put my name on, and do those things which I’ve determined will bring you the most value. I want to zero in, targeting my audience to see just how much value I can give you to make this blog worthy of your readership. What is it you expect to see here? What do you want me to write on? Bookmark this site, or better yet, subscribe to the RSS feed, and I’ll show the results at the end of this month. Freely discuss in the comments.


  • madamish 8:25 pm on June 4, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Using Tech To Keep Your Car Clean 

    As I live on a fairly well-traveled highway, I get a chance to see tons of cars go by on any given day. Lately, they have been covered with a black, gooey mess that we commonly call “love bugs.” The proper name is Plecia nearctica and were first mentioned in 1940 by D. E. Hardy. Late March and September are the traditional months for these nasty things to mate and hatch out. Numbers are difficult to come by, but as anyone who has to drive through them will attest, there seems to be an infinite number of them. The damage they do is immense.

    Their fluids are very acidic, and can eat the paint right off your car. I asked our local Ferrari aficionado how he managed to keep his cars showroom perfect. His solution? Wash them every time you go somewhere, immediately after parking. He carries a kit with him, and cleans his cars (whether Ferrari or not) at every opportunity. I just don’t see it. Even though his cars will always get top dollar when he chooses to trade or sell off, the labor involved just doesn’t seem to be justified. My concern here is: do you know of a frugal technological solution to keeping your car clean with minimal time and effort? Post your tips in the comments, please!

    del.icio.us Tags: , , , , , , , ,

    • Cheryl 10:06 am on June 7, 2007 Permalink

      Soap, water and elbow grease! If that doesn’t work, I am told something called “crud cutter” (found at home depot) works great.

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